Whitehorse To Whitechuck
The Best of the North Cascades
Scenice Roadways, Blugrass Music, and
True Country Hospitality
September 11, 2010
The Darrington School District (DSD) and the Darrington Family Support and Resource Center (DSFRC) are proud to host the Annual WTW Bike Event. Fun for all ages and all rider abilities.
Fees include: lunch, t-shirt, and snacks
$40 Single Adult Rider
$25 Children 12 & under
$100 per Family (2 Adults & 2 Children)
$15 for Non-riders for lunch
Early Registration is Advised @ www.dsd.k12.us/ride.htm
(or) Active.com
This popular bike ride is a non-competitive road tour with 12, 22, & 28 mile routes through the scenic landscape of the North Cascades. You will wind your way from the Darrington Bluegrass Grounds on Highway 530 through the Town of Darrington. You will then proceed on paved roadways up the Mountain Loop Highway, where you will enjoy breathtaking views of old-growth timber, wildlife, amazing mountains, waterfalls, and river byways
on this wonderful day out.
For those who want a more advanced ride, a 30 mile ride with 10 miles of "stand-on-your-pedals" back country mountain biking is also available. Only the most adventurous riders should try this heart-pounding route!
The Bluegrass Grounds will open at 8:00am for check-in. The ride will start at 9:00am with a warm send off. Lunch will be provided at the Bluegrass Grounds upon your return. There will be rest stops and snacks along the way.
Proceeds Benefit Youth Activities in Darrington
For more information, please feel free to call
DFSRC 360-436-0308 or DSD 360-436-1323
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